
The Survey Research Centre (SRC) at University of Waterloo

The Survey Research Centre (SRC) is a cost-recovery research centre at the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) serving academic and institutional researchers. The SRC offers a full range of tailored services from simple consultation to a complete package of survey design, programming, data collection and top-line analysis.

The SRC directors, associate directors, board members and employees are experts in survey design and methodology, and have more than 75 years of combined experience. Since 1999 the SRC has worked to develop expertise in rigorous, specialized academic research. Their focus is on maintaining a high standard of social science research for clients that include: academic researchers (both at the University of Waterloo and other institutions), university administration, government agencies and non-profit organizations.

The SRC’s objectives are to:

  • Provide high-quality survey research services to academic and institutional researchers.
  • Contribute to research in survey methodology, and encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration.
  • Help to communicate research findings and activity, and make survey method resources and expertise visible and easily accessible, at the University of Waterloo and externally.
  • Contribute to education and training. 
  • Provide advice and support to researchers and administration at the University of Waterloo.